Great Lakes Conversation Starters

Time: 5-10 minutes
Materials: sheet with following questions, or blank paper for participants to respond to questions read aloud.

There are no right or wrong answers to this quiz. By answering these questions, participants can clarify their values towards the lakes and nature, and demonstrate that to make a decision about an issue or value also requires one to make a choice.

  1. Where would you rather be on a Saturday afternoon?
    1. At a Great Lake or inland lake beach
    2. Hiking in the woods
    3. In a shopping mall
    4. At home, playing video games or watching television
  2. Where would you rather live?
    1. On a farm
    2. In the suburbs
    3. In a city
    4. In the woods
    5. On the shore of a lake
    6. In the mountains
  3. What is the most serious problem facing society today?
    1. Education
    2. Climate Change
    3. Personal freedoms
  4. What do you feel are the most urgent issues facing the Great Lakes today?
    1. Climate change
    2. Exotic species
    3. Pollution, including microplastics
    4. Lack of government action to restore and protect the lakes
    5. Lack of citizen awareness of the lakes’ value to their everyday lives
  5. If you could live by a Great Lake, which one would you choose?
    1. Lake Superior
    2. Lake Michigan
    3. Lake Huron
    4. Lake Erie
    5. Lake Ontario
  6. If you were your state’s governor or your province’s premier, what would be your top priority for the Great Lakes?
    1. Prevent any diversions of water to other regions on the continent
    2. Upgrade wastewater treatment systems to prevent contaminants and microplastics from entering the lakes
    3. Expand funding and staffing to park systems and ensure all beaches are clean and open for use
    4. Expand funding to protect the lakes from the effects of climate change
    5. Propose new mandates to expand/enhance curricula and community education about the lakes
  7. What do you wish you knew more about the Great Lakes?
    1. Their formation and geologic history
    2. What government agencies and local organizations work to protect the lakes
    3. Where the parks, beaches and trails are located near the lake closest to me
    4. What are the most pressing problems facing the lakes
    5. All the benefits the lakes provide to us
    6. How to help to protect the lakes
  8. Where is your favorite place in nature?
    1. Family cottage
    2. Great Lake – which one? ___________________
    3. Inland lake
    4. Hiking trail
    5. Garden
    6. Woods

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